i want to explore an aesthetic similar to something like vintage vandals. but instead of just defacing existing works of art, i want to explore pollution and the deterioration of nature by modern factories and industries.
i will go around to thrift shops and collect as many old paintings as i can find. i am hoping that they will mostly be pictures of countryside or nature in general. using illustrator, i am then planning to make a series of graphics depicting factories, smoke stacks, etc. i will then take these graphics to the laser cutter and have stencils cut out of the shapes. i will then take the stencils and spraypaint the image onto the original painting's canvas. as a final step, i will create multiple copies of each stencil to give to other people to use on their old paintings or whatever else they see fit in order to spread idea.
my hope with all of this is to get people thinking about how quickly we are deteriorating our habitats and the effects of such rapid growth and industrialization. the idea of reclaiming old paintings also goes along with environmental conservation as well. one thing i will have to decide soon is how i am going to distribute the stencils for other people to use.
here is a rough outline of my schedule as of now:
week 1-2: outline idea/project proposal
week 3: go to thrift stores and collect as many paintings as i can
week 4: design images (based on the pictures i have)
week 5: cut out images on laser cutter
week 6: spraypaint images on paintings
week 7: finished with pictures/design means of distribution for stencils
week 8: assemble pages for book
week 9: final presentation ready